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The Shop on Royal Street

The Shop on Royal Street

I was so sad when I found out that Karen White’s Tradd series was coming to an end, but thankfully she then announced a new spinoff, The Royal Street series…Huge sigh of relief. I was a little nervous picking up The Shop on Royal Street, since we were leaving some characters behind, but as soon as I started reading, I was already in love with the new cast and excited for Nola’s new start in life!

Now, I’m going to do my best not to gush like an over eager teenager as I write this review, but OMG this first book is amazing!

Synopsis: After a difficult hiccup on her road to adulthood, Nola Trenholm is looking to begin anew in New Orleans, and what better way to start her future than with her first house? But the historic fixer-upper she buys comes with even more work than she anticipated when the house's previous occupants don't seem to be ready to depart. Although she can't communicate with ghosts like her stepmother, luckily Nola knows someone in New Orleans who can--even if he's the last person on earth she wants anything to do with, ever again. Because Beau Ryan comes with his own dark past, a past that involves the disappearance of his sister and parents during Hurricane Katrina, and the unsolved murder of a woman who once lived in the old Creole Cottage Nola is determined to make her own whether or not the resident restless spirits agree...

What appealed to you the most in this story?

Just getting to dive into a brand-new series with a cast of new (one return) characters was the best! I’ve already fallen in love with Nola’s close friends and the humor and levity they bring to the story. Seriously, Jolene is the absolute best friend any girl could ask for, and her one-liners are the perfect for some laugh out loud moments. Now add in some move characters that you will love, and you have the makings for an excellent support system to help Nola tackle the renovations on her new home and the mysteries that surround it.

How was the setting?

Karen White is the master of pulling you into a story and making you feel like you are standing right there with the characters with lush and detailed atmosphere. I loved getting to explore the streets (potholes), restaurants, customs and Parishes in New Orleans through Nola’s eyes.

Do I need to have read The Tradd Street series in order to understand this new spinoff series?

No! You can start with this book and begin a whole new adventure and life with Nola and not feel like you have missed a thing. Now I do have to say that the Tradd Street series is one of my favorites and I’ve reread it several times, so if you haven’t read it yet I HIGHLY recommend you dive into it now!

How was the pace?

This story held a steady pace as it introduced new characters, settings, and background for the series to build from.

Do you recommend this book?

Heck yes, I do!! This book is both funny, sad, and suspenseful at times; the multiple mysteries are all interesting and suspenseful; and the ghosts run the gamut from being heartwarming to exceedingly creepy and dangerous. It is truly a great book to begin a series with, and I’m so excited to see where this series and Nola’s life will go from here!

Thank you, Berkley Publishing, and Uplit Reads for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.

The Diamond Eye

The Diamond Eye

March Wrap Up

March Wrap Up